Today’s era of Internet has opened a gate of vast variety of opportunities for businesses. Using social networks, one cannot only share a private picture of one’s birthday but also earn customers for one’s business and reach them conveniently. The speed and ease with which the digital media transmits information and help boost a business is amazing.

how is digital marketing different from traditional marketing? The traditional manner of marketing involved businesses to advertise their products or services on print media, radio and television commercials, business cards, bill boards, and in many other similar ways where Internet or social media websites were not employed for advertising. Traditional marketing policies had limited customer reachability and scope of driving customers’ buying behavior. Digital marketing achieves targets of marketing a business through different online channels.

There are many stats that highlight the importance of digital marketing. With global eCommerce sales expected to reach $4.5 trillion by 2021, it’s clear that there’s significant potential for online promotional activity. What’s more, 51% of shoppers research their purchases on Google before making them. With around 4.5 billion internet users worldwide, digital marketing gives businesses the chance to reach people on platforms where they spend a lot of time and money. It also gives smaller companies an opportunity to compete with their huge rivals, allowing them to use data and insights to target customers. We’ve also seen how vital online shopping is in the first half of 2020. At the peak of the COVID-19 lockdown in the UK, online orders were up 200% compared to the previous year. For all kinds of companies, digital marketing and the sales it generated were a lifeline when stores were closed.


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